Take a look at our real-world applications

Natural and Cultural Resource Protection and Preservation Program (NCRP3)

Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Plan, and Grant Administration

When a disaster strikes, organizations and communities face a multitude of challenges. Understanding which government entities cover damages through claims, grants, or other funding streams is vital to your recovery. At Tidal Basin, we integrate our recovery program with a holistic approach to FEMA claims. We provide public adjusting services for property damage claims delivered by our licensed regional public adjusters. Our combined experience and resources help fully prepare and accelerate our clients’ recovery.
Our knowledge and proactiveness help you develop and apply a solution that unites the property insurance and FEMA portions of your disaster recovery into one financial recovery strategy for your immediate and long-term needs.
An accurate understanding of your anticipated insurance settlement is integral to moving your FEMA grant forward with minimal delays. The two processes take different perspectives on everything, from what’s eligible to how it’s quantified. Our disaster recovery experts can assist you with both the FEMA and insurance recovery processes and to help you establish a well-documented insurance claim as the basis for your recovery.
Successfully recovering all eligible costs requires a firm grasp of the basics of the program and how insurance and FEMA complement one another. No one understands this interaction better than our team. We know the proper way to prepare project worksheets and what systems must be in place to track and account for all monies spent on a disaster. We deliver this critical knowledge, coupled with unwavering client advocacy, to help you receive all the funding to which you are entitled from both your insurance claim and FEMA.
Your knowledge of the complex governmental regulations and equally complex insurance and adjusting issues really helped the county maximize the public assistance that was available after all of these disasters. You delivered what you promised, and we are confident in your ability and the ability of your firm to provide these services fully on a technical and professional level yet be able to translate clearly and concisely the intricate and sometimes subjective FEMA regulations which we could not have done without you.
The State of Alaska…[has] a significant investment in the disaster recovery process for both state and federally declared events…. The collaboration with Tidal Basin in these efforts has been so successful and seamless that in most instances applicants and FEMA staff don’t even realize we have contractors on board unless we tell them. Our interaction with Tidal Basin staff and managers works and feels like true teammates and the result is a faster, more comprehensive delivery of disaster recovery resources to survivors.
Months after the storm passed, the County was still faced with tremendous burdens related to the insurance coverage issues and FEMA and MEMA eligibility issues. Jackson County hired your organization to provide professional services for disaster assistance, remediation, restoration and recovery efforts….Their expertise with governmental regulations, the complex FEMA process and insurance adjustments resulted in our successful claim for over $2 million in additional FEMA Public Assistance funding specifically; in our successful negotiations with our insurance carrier; and in numerous other increases in the values FEMA and MEMA initially designated for County projects. Jackson County will always be mindful of the help we received from you when we needed it most.
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