Tidal Basin will be attending and speaking at the 2020 Colorado Emergency Management Conference held at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, Colorado from February 25-27. Attendees include Tidal Basin’s Chief Executive Officer, Daniel A. Craig, Assistant Vice President, Mollie Matthews, and Director of PREM PM, Ashlee Delventhal, C.M., C.E.M.

Ashlee Delventhal’s presentation “Human Factors in Emergency Management” will take place on Wednesday, February 26th from 1:45pm to 2:45pm

Human factors studies have existed for many years in aviation and health care; however, it has only recently begun to reach the emergency management community. Even then, much of the research in this area has been limited to Europe and Australia. This session is designed to introduce local emergency managers to these concepts and provide them with takeaways they can use in their programs.

Emergency managers have long focused on the people in our communities, but what influences can our own human nature have on disaster prevention and response? This session will include a study of the Dirty Dozen (Gordon Dupont, 1993), or most common human errors, and the impacts they can have on our emergency management programs. We will explore the influence of lack of communication, stress, distraction, norms, and others in this session. Furthermore, we will look at how to account for these factors in our post event review and analysis. Last, we will discuss basic awareness measures to help overcome such influences. External research combined with my personal study will be used to support this session.

Attendees will learn the basic concept of human factors and know how to identify the influences in our programs. Participants will also take away some tools to support awareness and mitigation in human influences.

Daniel Craig’s presentation “Lessons Learned from Administering the FEMA STEP (Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power) Housing Program” will take place on Thursday, February 27th from 9:45am to 10:45am.

In 2018 Tidal Basin administered the largest FEMA STEP Program (Tu Hogar Renace) housing recovery effort in history. This session will discuss the implementation of the FEMA STEP Program during Hurricane Maria, and share best practices and lessons learned. Participants will explore the following: 1) housing recovery in Puerto Rico 2) transitional shelter programs available today, and 3) conceivable recovery options for the future.

Attendees will be educated on the intricacies of the FEMA STEP Program and be able to determine if this program is a viable housing option for their community.

At Tidal Basin, we are the leading experts in disaster preparedness and recovery. We provide unmatched experience and resources to organizations, businesses, governments, and communities in helping them prepare, manage, and recover from natural and man-made disasters sooner. Our services include:

Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Recovery