Creating lasting housing solutions to build community resilience

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CDBG-DR Housing Recovery

Tidal Basin works by, with, and through communities to assist in their long-term recovery. Our large complement of permanent staff and cadre affords us the ability to go into the field and work together with the community to assist in their recovery.

The disaster recovery process is complex and requires expert guidance to ensure grantees comply with all federal requirements and design programs to maximize their funding, resulting in the greatest benefit to the grantee. Tidal Basin has supported CDBG-DR grantees through all phases of the recovery cycle.

Take a look at our real-world applications


Your knowledge of the complex governmental regulations and equally complex insurance and adjusting issues really helped the county maximize the public assistance that was available after all of these disasters. You delivered what you promised, and we are confident in your ability and the ability of your firm to provide these services fully on a technical and professional level yet be able to translate clearly and concisely the intricate and sometimes subjective FEMA regulations which we could not have done without you.