Draft CDBG-MIT Action Plan Released for Public Comment
On Monday, August 24, 2020 the State of West Virginia Development Office (WVDO) released the State of West Virginia Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation Draft Proposed Action Plan for public review and comment.
This is an important step in the process for the State of West Virginia to gain access to these critical disaster mitigation funds. The Draft Action Plan will be available for public review and comment through October 8, 2020. The public is encouraged to review the Draft Action Plan and submit comments to WV CAD by email at: [email protected]
At the end of the public comment period, WVDO will review and respond to all comments and submit the final Draft Action Plan to HUD by November 1, 2020 for review and approval.
In late August 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocated the WVDO S106.4 million to support fortifying resiliency measures to decrease impacts of future flooding in the 12 impacted counites. The hardest hit counties of Kanawha, Greenbrier, Nicholas, and Clay will receive at least $53.2 million of those funds. The HUD grant has several requirements including spending the funds provided to the counties within 12 years from date of executing the HUD contract.
These mitigation funds were allocated to the State of West Virginia in connection with the catastrophic flooding that impacted the state in late June 2016. Areas of West Virginia were severely damaged by unprecedented flooding after 10 to 12 inches of rain fell in less than 12 hours. The flooding resulted in FEMA disaster designated areas for individual assistance in 12 counties including Clay, Greenbrier, Kanawha, Nicholas, Fayette, Jackson, Lincoln, Monroe, Pocahontas, Roane, Summers, and Webster.
In May 2020, Tidal Basin Group was awarded the Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation Action Plan contract to support WVDO in the development of the CDBG-MIT Action Plan and their application to HUD.